Losing Keys After A Fun Morning
Losing something is a really bad thing! It can ruin your day, especially if it is the key to your house.
Today, I had loads of fun in the morning. I went out cycling with a bunch of friends. When the world is speeding to their offices on the roads winding by the green belt with cycling tracks, it feels good to be spared the agony of waking up every morning and rushing to work. Being a freelancer has some advantages. What if you have to live with an uncertain source of income? If you are good at what you do, you are sure to make a decent living. Of course, it won't be a steady stream of income, but sudden spikes in income has its own joys. It sure does compensate the lean periods. At least, that's what i have seen.
Back to the cycling track. So, our small group of friends enjoyed the morning racing in the green belt until the sun went high up in the sky and all of us were tired and sweaty. Two hours of cycling and having fun as a group. How many joyous moments did we share! Poor Jerry did find himself embarrassed being the only one who could not perform the front-wheel-up trick. Nothing that merits being ashamed, but he wasn't really comfortable being in the position. Except for that few moments, even he enjoyed the morning.

At noon, I reached my apartment. With the cycling helmet in my left hand and my head and forehead covered with a big kerchief, I wiped sweat off my eyebrows to prevent them making way into my eyes. I wiped by wet hands on my pants and placed by right hands in the back pocket of my jeans for the apartment keys. Nothing to be found.
Did I lose my apartment keys? Or did I just keep it in my other pocket. I wasn't sure. So I put the helmet down on the floor and checked my other pockets. The key ring was still missing. My backpack didn't have the keys either. Now it was confirmed that I had lost my keys.
Was it any good to retrace my path back to the park and then inside the big park in search of my keys? It didn't seem like a good idea. First, the park was 2Km from my apartment and the green belt was itself big enough to make such a search a difficult task to accomplish. So I reached my phone and searched for a local locksmith on Google.
A smiling and courteous locksmith (Chula Vista, CA) was at my apartment door within 20 minutes. I didn't even have to go through the trauma of having to wait for help as I was busy informing my friends about this little incidence and seeking updates. Hendrik was quick to pick my apartment lock and let me in. However, it took him a while to replace the lock with a new one for better safety of my apartment.
After a fun morning, a few minutes of trouble being locked out of your apartment. It wasn't that bad, but it did cost me some money. Maybe, I will skip one night-out to compensate for the unplanned expense.